Upcoming Nidras
get the rest you've been missing.
get the rest you deserve.
Upcoming Nidras
Jan 2025 - March-April 2025
Jan 17 - 6-7pm Forgiveness
Feb 14 - 6-7pm Acceptance
Mar 14 - 6-7pm Joy
Jan 26 - 11:00am Forgiveness
Feb 23 - 11:00am Acceptance
Mar 30 - 11:00am Joy
Apr 27 - 11:00am Grief
Feb 22 - 11:00am Forgiveness
Mar 22 - 11:00am Acceptance
Apr 19 - 11:00am Joy
May ?? - Grief
Thai Yoga Bodywork / Thai Massage combines elements of massage, yoga, and acupressure. The technique combines massage and stretching to release tension in the limbs and muscles, promoting relief from pain, an improvement in flexibility, and overall better energy flow in your whole body/mind/heart system. Energy that flows freely will improve ailments and increase your overall physical and mental health.
Email me to arrange: bec.tesch@gmail.com
Throw out your ideas about what a yoga class 'should' be. It will be tailored to your own unique and specific needs.
A private session can be anything from gentle restful poses to light stretching, to conversations about what's challenging you in your personal, emotional and spiritual life, to a full workout. I can teach you poses, but there's so much more.
I can also teach you to meditate, or help you on a path to embrace parts of yourself that you maybe don't like much right now.
I offer a free zoom call or phone call for anyone to ask questions and figure out if we're a good fit. Email me to arrange: bec.tesch@gmail.com

Thai Bodywork sessions:
$90 for 60 minutes
$110 for 75 minutes
$135 for 90 minutes
In-home body work
$195 for a 60 min session.
$225 for a 90 min session
(includes travel within 15 mi.)
$35 fee if you are more than 15 miles from Bay View.
Private yoga sessions:
$100 for a 60 minute class
$150 for a 75 minute class
$185 for a 90 minute class
Please contact me directly if these prices are out of your range.
A sliding scale is available.
I'd like to sit down and talk and find something that can work for you. There is nearly always a way.

Yoga and Cloud Watching.
Currently not scheduled.
Contact me if you'd like to add this to your event, yoga studio, park or community center.
Yoga for Strength
Currently not scheduled.
Contact me if you'd like to add this to your event, park or community center.
In yoga asana, flexibility gets all the attention, but strength gives your practice power and longevity (also more mobility). We will practice muscle load, proper alignment and how to choose intelligent variations to make your practice your own. Be prepared to sweat, shake and refine to give your practice and your body a little tune-up.
register at yamayogastudio.com
Bending Over Backwards
Backbends for strength, health and better posture
Currently not scheduled.
Contact me if you'd like to add this to your event, park or community center.
Backbends always inspire reaction. People either love them or hate them. But backbends are a great antidote to modern day slump-asana. We will open our hearts — energetically and muscularly — strengthen our back bodies and learn to execute backbends without the crunch. Get ready to find length in your spine and strength in your posture.
register at yamayogastudio.com​
Going Deep
Opening and strengthening your hips
Currently not scheduled.
Contact me if you'd like to add this to your event, park or community center. Cost: $40
Your hips are known as the junk drawer of your body, and we’re going to clear that junk drawer out. We will explore where to create
space, where to dial it in and how a balance of contraction and expansion will help you execute asana, simple and complex. Be prepared to dive deep and see what comes up.
register at yamayogastudio.com​
Flipping your Perspective
Exploring Inversions
Currently not scheduled.
Contact me if you'd like to add this to your event, park or community center. Cost: $40
A variety of ways to get your heart above your head. We’ll explore ways to do this both physically and emotionally/spiritually.
register at yamayogastudio.com​
Dial it In
Optimizing sun sals for YOU
Currently not scheduled.
Contact me if you'd like to add this to your event, park or community center.
A deep dive into the sun salutation series of Yoga
poses. Learn why we do them and the many variations you can utilize to adapt it to you and the body you have now. Dial in the jump back, dial in the chaturanga dandasana, understand the backbend portion. Learn a bunch of new things about Down dog! Experiment, laugh, learn!
register at yamayogastudio.com​
Upper back neck and shoulders
A feel better workshop for your neck and back
Currently not scheduled.
Contact me if you'd like to add this to your event, park or community center.

need to talk?
Yoga is more than pretzel shapes n' stretching
Maybe a rambling conversation is what you need. I am happy to just talk. About nearly anything. And I'll try to bring wisdom from the yogic philosophies to help.
Please join my email list,
You'll get my guide to neck and back care as my free thank you gift. Learn my fav poses to relieve your pains in the neck.

I'm here for anyone wishing to learn more skillful use of body mind and spirit.
Hello! I'm Becky Tesch. I'm here to help you. All you need is a willingness to show up. If you need to work slowly & gently, or if you want to work hard. We can do that together. Do you need help recovering from birth? Do you want to get stronger? Do you need to reconnect to your physical self? Do you want to learn more about what yoga has to offer for heart, mind & spirit? Do you want to begin meditating? What do you need? I'm here to listen. Maybe you don't know. Let's talk about it, and start helping you remember your innate balance and work towards it, so that you can be awesome and amazing, as you are meant to be. We'll do so one small thing at a time. It'll feel good, It won't be hard or overwhelming. It'll just be something you're doing for yourself. You are worthy.
Why wait?
My classes generally have an emphasis on active engagement and a finding the place where you feel the best, where you're doing work that is good for you. Sometimes challenging, but not painful. I would describe my classes as moderately strenuous, slow vinyasa flow classes. We'll stretch, as most do in Yoga, but we'll also do a fair amount of strengthening as well. I try to start with the easiest version of a pose, and then dial it up slowly. You decide how far you go on any given day.
I started practicing yoga to heal a body that had seen too many years of gymnastics, scoliosis, and many a crash on a mountain bike. I fell in love with Yoga because it has a unique quality of working with the mind, body and spirit together. Savasana was a revelation to me! I'd never felt that good in my adult life and I wanted more. I wanted to know the how and why of it all. I love it, and I keep learning, studying, loving, growing, and sharing this with my students.
Do you want to bring Yoga to your home or workplace? I also teach corporate and private classes. Please contact me to set up classes for your business, a group of friends, or yourself.

Other Workshops I offer:
contact me to schedule for yourself, your studio, or your group.
Yoga Jewelry making and asana for crafters
Join jewelry artist and Yama yoga teacher Becky Tesch in a jewelry making session and asana practice! Becky makes jewelry out of bike parts. Popped inner tubes become beautiful lacy cuff bracelets and necklaces. Becky will teach you how to make her signature designs, with tips and tricks to make them really gorgeous. No craft skills required! Can you use a scissors? Then you can make this bracelet! Artists and experienced crafters are also welcome to go rogue and make your own design. All this jewelry is suitable for wearing during a yoga practice! Comfortable, lightweight and recycled, this jewelry checks all the boxes for a good yogi! The Asana practice will be customized for the hands backs and necks of crafters, but will be enjoyable for anyone.
Time to work & time to rest
Half Yan Half Yin - A nice long class for time to really do more.
Becky offers a nice long class to be able to have time for vinyasa flow movement asana, pranayama breath work, some meditation, and restorative poses to wrap it all up.
Other programs I offer: contact me to schedule for yourself or your group
Mindfullness Meditation & Yoga talk
Bring me in to your corporate lunch and learn, networking group or team working event. I'll get people up and moving with a little Yoga, and I'll add in a short but sweet talk bout what yoga, mindfulness and meditation are all-out and simple ways to add them into daily life. Email me to book.
Private home practice help
Lets talk about how to get you practicing at home and working on your own goals instead of whatever the teacher chooses in a public class on any given night. We can meet for private help sessions or I can just be your accountability person! let's talk and come up with a plan for you. Price varies according to what you need, and what I provide. email me for a time we can meet and figure it out.
Fine spine
Get back to your back!
Come love your spine in a 2 hour workshop dedicated to helping your back feel
so much better. Examine and explore why our backs and necks frequently give
us trouble and what we can do at work and home to deal with common chronic
issues, and maintain a healthy, happy spine. Your upper, middle and lower back
will feel the love as Becky guides you through a flow and, of course, will stop to
share and work some special poses and movements she’s personally developed
along her own challenging journey with spinal injury.