Today I feel really good. Yesterday I did not.
I've been having a rough time lately. On top of parenting, helping my ailing mother, and regular work, relationships and life, I've had a...

What is Thai Bodywork?
What is Thai Bodywork? Thai Bodywork (aka Thai yoga massage) aims to create more space in the body, and a feeling of expansion and...

Can you approach Your Yoga with wide eyed curiosity? How do poses feel? How do you feel in poses? what’s there for you? What's not...

Something I've been really chewing on and working on for myself lately is a practice of channelling abundance. It started when I asked a...

Sunday mornings at Yama Yoga
To students at Yama Yoga Milwaukee: Hi, my name is Becky Tesch. First and foremost, I'm a Mom, yoga teacher and artist. I gotta say, I...

I attended a workshop last year in which the homework was to see how kind we could be to ourselves for the evening, and report back in...

What an honor and a joy to teach a new year’s day class at Saffron Yoga. Thank You!
Thank You Students and Saffron Yoga I was very pleased by a large turnout, and many familiar faces! I talked about integration and union,...

Staying sane in crazy making political times.
Staying sane in these maddening and frightening times requires love and strength. I’m not talking about loving yourself or loving your...

A bad meditation I had once
I was trying to meditate and it wasn’t going well. I kept thinking of unfinished business. Mostly it was things that I was behind on....

Hips! class theme for August
HIPS! Our class theme of the month. Why hips? Hips are the area of the body where trauma gets lodged. If you've been in my classes for a...